Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Add It To Your Menubar

This post is going to be about what I got in my menu bar and hopes that I can help you get some cool stuff in there. Now you may not want to put to much in your menu bar cause you will get quite a bit in there lol. But here we go.

First thing I have in my menu bar that you may like to have is ByteController It adds a previous and next track button and a pause/play button to your menu bar. It is used to control your itunes of course and it can be handy at times.

Then there's WeatherSnitch. This app shows your current weather outside and also has a detailed forcast. Just enter your zip code and it will show up. It also has growl support so everytime the weather is updated it will show you also.

Then there's iStat Menus. It adds the stats of anything you choose for it to track onto your menu bar. I have mine showing my networks current upload and download speed. I also have it showing my proccesor usage and I also have it showing my ram usage. It by far is a really nice app to have and of course all these apps are free so thats really nice.

I also have my clock changed to show like this. Wed Jun * 27 * 2007 * 2:48PM. It's really nice cause I can see date and everything just by looking up into my task bar. The tutorial can be found at this link. Now that is the topic of the video that will show you how to do it.

Well thanks for reading and hope to hear from you all.


liagiba said...

Thanks for those awesome "tips!" I have been wanting to look for more things for my menu bar. I love the date and time one! Awesome! I love your blog btw....

Jeremy said...

Thnx liagiba I'm glad your liking it so far.

If you have anything you would like to know more about or wonder if theres any programs to do certain things dont be a afraid to ask.

liagiba said...

I know it's possible to move the "mac" menu bar items. But is it at all possible to move the downloaded ones? I have YouControl Tunes and the weather one, any way to move them around?

Jeremy said...

The only way I know of to move them around is in the order they open. first one to open is closes to to the right. Thats what I've always been told. I'll play around and if I find another way besides that I'll post an update.

Thats a good question thanks for giving me something to check out =)

Jeremy said...

Ok to move em you have to comman click.

Lol that was easy enough you learn something new everyday lol

liagiba said...

I'm hitting command and clicking and the only ones I can get to move are the regular mac ones. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Anonymous said...

I have iStat Menus, DeskShade, ByteController, Audioscrobbler, Adium, Skitch, and Quicksilver.

Jeremy said...

Sorry liagiba from what i've looked up on is that the ones you can move are the ones apple made and they know the code to do that and they wont share that code with third party developers. So if the third party developers want to have that an option they have to figure out the code. So thats why they cant be moved.

liagiba said...

Okay, thanks anyway!